
How To Repair A Drilled Hole In A Fiberglass Boat


If you inquire any gunkhole owner what their best worst fear is for their boat, you'll probably become an answer that's some version of a hole or a leak. After all, a hole in the boat tin non just lead to water damage—which in plow leads to problems like mold or mildew—but it can exist a genuine danger to y'all and your passengers. We don't want that to be the case. Learn how to fix a hole in a fiberglass boat to ensure the safety of your vessel and those who enjoy information technology.

How to Patch a Fiberglass Hole

Let'southward exist clear—if there's a hole in your fiberglass and a hole that goes deeper into the structure of your boat, y'all may need repairs that go across the scope of this article. That'due south when it's time to consult a professional who can give you an gauge on what it will accept to restore your arts and crafts.

Just let'due south say that the hole is affecting your fiberglass alone. What do you do?

The Tools

The first step is to acquire a fiberglass repair kit. It should include the materials you demand to patch the hole, merely y'all must too have the following tools to apply it to your boat:

  • Disc sander or electric drill with a sanding zipper
  • Buffer attachment for the sander/drill
  • Scissors
  • Paintbrushes
  • Sanding cake
  • Stir stick
  • Mixing can

Applying the Kit

With a kit in hand and the proper tools at your disposal, you're ready to tackle the following steps:

  • Sand down the hole. Brainstorm past enlarging the hole that's already in your fiberglass, and sand information technology down so that the resin will be easy to use. Record off the areas you want to remain unaffected.
  • Mix & wait. Following the instructions of the resin, make sure to mix properly and wait the proper corporeality of time as directed.
  • Apply the patching kit as directed. This may require working in several layers. Don't worry, this is normal and relatively unproblematic, even though information technology may make the process seem more than complicated than it really is.
  • Dry overnight. When you lot've applied all of the proper layers, allow everything to dry overnight. Make certain that your boat is in a well-ventilated, protected area.
  • Sand once again. One time dry, you can so work with the sander to ensure that you have a smooth patch. The goal here is to arrive expect consistent with the residuum of the hull.
  • Finish with a gel coat. Keep in mind that you may have to contact your boat's manufacturer to go a gel coat that matches the balance of your boat.

Maintain Your Boat with BoatLIFE Products

Knowing how to fix a hole in your fiberglass boat is important, but what's even more than imperative is the maintenance of your boat. If you accept care of your vessel each and every day, the chances of getting a hole in your gunkhole will surely decrease. Stock up on our boat cleaning and repair products to amend preclude this trouble from occurring!


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