
How To Repair Socks With Holes

Seeing a pigsty in your favorite t-shirt, sweater, or pair of socks is never a pleasant experience. The quality of wear today is such that little holes seem to pop up regularly.

If you don't relish sewing (or don't know how to), then today could exist your lucky day. You're about to find out how to fix a pigsty in a sock without touching a needle and thread.

Fixing a hole in a sock is really like shooting fish in a barrel. Information technology does not require amazing skills or specialized equipment. Your sock volition look almost as good as new in a few minutes.

Why Repair Your Socks?

Fix A Sock Hole Worth It

You're probably thinking that socks are pretty cheap and I tin can change them whenever I like! Of class, you can just dispose of the socks with holes and get a fresh pair. Merely information technology's so like shooting fish in a barrel to fix a hole or tear and can give an otherwise perfectly good pair of socks a 2nd life.

Some socks are probably not worth saving. I don't recommend fixing your moth-eaten socks, worn out, permanently evil-smelling, and take lost any elasticity.

Nonetheless, fixing a small hole or wearable mark is still a good idea. By taking care of your possessions, you not only save some money, merely you also feel like a real live pioneer, which is pretty cool.

What if you don't want to take your shoes off at your friend's house? Because your store-bought pair of socks are on their way to get a hole. You might have quit some pairs, but yous don't want to throw them away because they have a small wannabe hole.

In addition, thinking about throwing them away would mean shopping for new ones, and possibly you don't like shopping for clothes. So why don't you await for a way to fix them.

Traditionally, repairing socks, also known equally darning, was a simple chore that most homemakers did. Information technology wasn't special or weird. Information technology was only a part of clothing maintenance. With a darning egg or a darning spool, they would patch up little holes and wearable. It is possible to darn them, as our ancestors did with woolen socks. Simply if shop-bought socks get darned, you can either run into it from the outside or y'all will feel information technology from the inside.

Information technology's not necessary to darn a sock repeatedly until it has more of your work than the original sock. Information technology is all about making small-scale repairs when needed to maintain your dress rather than throwing them away.

4 Means to Prepare a Hole in Your Socks

Hither are four easy ways to fix a hole in your socks:

1. Use A Patch To Repair A Hole In Your Socks

(Caution – There are unlike means to apply patches. In this video the patches they use are thick, just yous can as well discover very thin flexible patches to patch your socks also. See

What yous may demand:

  • Hot atomic number 26
  • Pair of scissors
  • Cutter plotter
  • Pair of socks
  • Parchment paper
  • Flex foil (estrus transfer) of your choice


  1. You need to check the size of the pigsty in your sock.
  2. Choose the type of design that you want to have on your anxiety.
  3. Create patterns using pair of scissors or 10-deed knives or simply cut out dots.
  4. Depending on your foil make, heat your iron to the right temperature.
  5. Make sure your socks are flat and even by ironing them.
  6. To foreclose the foil from sticking to the backside of your sock, put some parchment paper beyond the pigsty.
  7. Cover the hole with the patch and place equally many around it as possible to hide the fact that you have ONE hole to prepare.
  8. Then wrap some other piece of parchment paper effectually the sock so to protect information technology from the hot iron.
  9. Using your body and arm, press the atomic number 26 on the sock. Do not slide the atomic number 26; just press it and then lift information technology.
  10. Heat printing over again after removing the transfer foil.

And there you have information technology! Ironing a patch is one of the easiest methods for hole repair and add uniqueness to your socks.

2. Employ A Fusing Spider web To Repair A Hole In Your Socks

What you need:

  • Fusing web
  • Fe


  1. Turn the pair of socks in question inside-out.
  2. Using the fusing web, cut a pocket-sized piece merely big enough to cover the hole yous want to patch.
  3. Carefully gather the fabric around the hole and so that you cannot see the hole anymore.
  4. Put the fusing web over the hole you lot simply cut. Brand certain your iron is fix to "wool" setting.
  5. Put a piece of wax paper around the hole and fusing the spider web to prevent the iron from sticking.
  6. Hold the iron over the hole and fusing the web for 10 seconds.

That's it! Another easy method. At that place's no need to dig through your sewing kit to fix small holes when you tin can easily patch them with this technique.

3. Use Clothing Glue To Repair A Hole In Your Socks

What y'all need:

  • Clothing Glue


  1. Take the holey sock that you want to ready and the clothing glue.
  2. Carefully push the fabric around the hole together every bit closely as possible to hide the hole before applying the gum.
  3. Put a thin layer of gum over the hidden hole and take your time while doing so.
  4. Make sure yous have time and apply a thin layer, as thin as possible. You lot can e'er add more.
  5. Let it dry for 24 hours, and see the results.

The upshot will vary with glue. It can be a difficult technique depending on the pigsty. although, if you have patience and take your time yous might just find this an effective method. Your socks might look like they never had a hole.

four. Utilize a Hot Glue Gun to Repair a Hole in Your Socks

What you need:

  • Glue gun
  • atomic number 26


  1. Accept a pocket-sized piece of material equivalent to the size of the hole and put some gum on the material from the gum gun.
  2. So await a minute for the glue to dry out.
  3. Place this piece of cloth under the pigsty.
  4. Then printing the expanse with a heated iron.
  5. Permit information technology dry out for two minutes.

And that'due south it! You lot are done! This could be more comfy than a patch depending on how much glue yous put on. You lot could too try this method with the fabric glue and probably become skilful results.

Is Darning/Sewing A Pigsty In A Sock Worth It?

Darning Socks

Of form, Darning/Sewing a hole in a sock is totally worth it! Practise you have a hole in the socks that you beloved? Darning was once considered an quondam-fashioned notion. But information technology is more than in style today to brandish your handiwork and express yourself creatively.

With the right bankroll back up, chunky and warm socks brand great slippers. Don't forget to darn areas decumbent to tear (such every bit the tip and ball of the foot) with thick, vibrant yarn to brand them more durable – and stylish too. Make certain they are of similar thicknesses and materials, so the overall result will feel uniformly fuzzy or smooth.

Since knitting takes a lot of time, wouldn't it make sense to know how to fix your knitwear when it gets holes? Making pocket-size repairs to socks at home is simpler than y'all might call up, and your socks volition final longer equally well.

You can also add a hint of personality to those worn-in shoes. No degree is necessary to rejuvenate sweaters, scarves, or socks in a beautiful way. If there are whatsoever blanks, simply fill up them in with a tight grid of over and under stitches.

'Visible mending' is making a improvement, and you lot might enjoy repairing those holes in your apparel or socks with decorative stitches and patches, adding more life to them. After repairing your socks, you may feel the urge to deliberately make new holes in them simply to add more vibrant colors to your socks.

Final Thoughts

Fixing your sock hole in the above-mentioned ways:

  • Effectively closes sock holes
  • Even so makes them comfy to habiliment
  • Adds life to your socks and make them durable
  • And (as a bonus) makes your knitted footwear stand out

You can repair your socks without darning and without thick parts that may blister your anxiety. And you can also customize your socks however yous similar Prominent or plain, whatever you similar. Information technology is also a squeamish way to spice up socks even if they do not accept holes. Don't toss your shop-bought socks too quickly to give them a chance to live a new creative life.

How To Repair Socks With Holes,


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