
How To Install Power Window Kit

At that place's no simpler, more affordable way to cool down a room than with a window-mounted air conditioner. These compact units are reliable, durable, able to cool virtually any size room, and today's models are exponentially more free energy efficient than units built simply 10 years ago. Plus, window air conditioners are like shooting fish in a barrel to install.

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Here, I'll share some tips on what to consider when buying an air conditioner, and then how to install it securely and remove it for winter storage.

Size the Room

Window-mounted A/C units come various sizes and cooling capacities, ranging from virtually 5,000 BTU to 25,000 BTU (British thermal units). Equally a general rule, y'all demand about 20 BTU of cooling for every square pes of living space. Then, for example, a 12x16-ft. room would require an air conditioner with a cooling chapters of approximately four,000 BTU (12 x 16 = 192 sq. ft. ten twenty = three,840 BTU).

Here'due south a simpler, no-math way to determine which size air conditioner to buy. Listed below are the almost common sizes of window air conditioners for rooms ranging from 150 to 1,600 square feet:

window air conditioner installation  installing window ac unit


It's critically important to choose a model with a cooling capacity sufficient to absurd the room. If you choose a unit that's besides modest, information technology'll struggle to proceed the room absurd on the hottest days. And choosing a unit of measurement that'south also large—a common mistake—is but as problematic.

An oversized air conditioner will pump too much moisture dorsum into the room, raising the humidity to unsafe levels, especially for those with breathing difficulties. Excessive wet can too create a convenance ground for dust mites and mold. Plus, a also-big A/C unit of measurement is louder and burns more electricity than a properly sized unit.

Buy the Best

If yous're looking for a new window A/C, well, you lot're in luck.

Summer might be hot, merely so is the competition to sell these appliances, with anywhere from ane.74 1000000 to 5.4 million being sold in any given year recently, according to and U.S. Department of Energy.

That contest helps y'all, as manufacturers hold downward prices and outbid each other to add features such as phonation command, app control, hand-held remotes, timers, and features similar a dehumidifier setting. Bells and whistles are squeamish, merely more so is the increased energy efficiency of these appliances.

Cheque Your Window

Most window-mounted air conditioners are designed to fit into double-hung windows, simply most units can besides be placed in swing-out casement or sliding windows. (Check with the air-conditioner manufacturer for specific installation instructions.) Here, I'll hash out installation for double-hung windows, which are by far the nigh pop manner of window.

Get-go past raising the lower sash, and so measure the height and width of the opening. Be sure to take those dimensions on paw when shopping for an air conditioner to ensure it'll fit comfortably into the window. Too, continue burn safety in mind when deciding where to install the air conditioner: Don't place it in an egress window that serves equally the only ways of escape should a burn erupt.

Consider Energy Efficiency

The energy efficiency of a room air conditioner is designated by its EER number, which stands for Energy Efficiency Rating. The EER is calculated past dividing the unit's BTU rating by the wattage of the unit of measurement. For instance, a 12,000 BTU air conditioner that uses i,200 watts of electricity has an EER of 10.

⚠️ Don't confuse EER with SEER—Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio—which is used to calculate the energy efficiency of fundamental air-conditioning systems.

Window A/C units typically have ratings between about viii and 12. A rating of 10 or higher is considered ideal for saving electricity and lowering your utility bills. And be sure to expect for features such equally digital temperature controls, variable fan speeds, and sleep settings, which also can help conserve power.


Installing a window air-conditioner is all-time done with 2 people. Even small air conditioners are heavy and awkward to lift. And the last affair you desire is for your A/C unit to fall out window or onto the flooring.

💡 Save the air conditioner's original box and packing materials; you can employ it later for storing the unit of measurement.

Outset by reading the installation transmission and familiarizing yourself with all the included hardware and fasteners. Almost units come with a kit that includes adaptable window extensions and metal mounting brackets. These parts will ensure a secure and airtight fit in the window opening. And for additional support, especially for larger air conditioners, consider purchasing a steel back up subclass and mount information technology to the exterior house wall, directly below the windowsill.

Raise the window's lower sash and fix the A/C unit of measurement centered on the windowsill. About the weight will exist hanging out the window, and then exist sure to go on a firm grip on the unit. Now pull downwards the lower sash until information technology contacts the top of the A/C unit directly behind the metallic flange running across the superlative of the unit. Keep downward pressure on the lower sash; it's preventing the unit of measurement from toppling out the window. The installation kit typically includes two small L-shaped metal brackets, which are used to prevent the lower sash from being raised.

window air conditioner installation installing window ac unit

Marius Hepp / EyeEm Getty Images

Fix i bracket on the far left, top border of the lower sash. Then, use a cordless drill to screw the subclass to the upper sash. Repeat to install the remaining bracket to the far right side of the lower sash. Depending on the A/C unit, you may also need to bulldoze brusk screws through the metal flange running across the tiptop of the unit and into the lower sash. With the brackets screwed in identify and the lower sash locked in positioned, and the A/C unit is secured.

Next, attach the two squeeze box-like extensions, 1 to each side of the A/C unit of measurement. (Annotation that in some cases you must install the extensions prior to setting the unit in the window; check the installation manual for specific details.) Pull out each extension to close off the space to the left and right of the air conditioner. Screw the vertical mounting flange of each extension to the window jambs. Have the thick foam-rubber weather stripping and stuff information technology into the gap along the top edge of the lower sash to block out insects and hot air.

When properly installed, the A/C unit of measurement will tip slightly to the outside. This is important to permit condensation to drip exterior, not into the room.

Power It Up

Air conditioners draw a fair corporeality of electricity, so be mindful of the circuit into which yous plug the unit. If the same circuit powers other high-energy appliances—refrigerators, dryers, ovens—consider plugging in the air conditioner elsewhere. If yous're using an extension cord, it's important to use a string that's specifically designed to handle the electric load; these heavy-duty cords are usually labeled every bit, "air-conditioner cord" or "major-apparatus cord."

And be sure to check the air filter monthly throughout the cooling flavor to ensure it'due south clean and clear of obstructions.

Removal for Storage

Removing a window air-conditioner unit can exist difficult, and so unless y'all really need access to the window or want to create a better seal for wintertime, it'south best to leave information technology in place and protect it with a slip-on cover.

window ac, how to install a window air conditioner


If you decide to remove the air conditioner, once more, it's best to accept two people. Start past reversing the installation steps, but be very careful not to unscrew the two minor L-shaped brackets until you've slid the air conditioner into the room far plenty so that it's resting securely on the windowsill and not tipping in or out.

After removing all the hardware, heighten the lower sash and elevator the air conditioner out of the window and set it onto a thick blanket spread on the floor. Vacuum the outside of the unit—especially the louvered vents—and so wipe it downward with a damp cloth.

Place the air conditioner dorsum into its original box, using the dense-foam packing cloth to protect information technology from damage. Put all the screws, brackets and other installation hardware items in a re-sealable plastic bag, and put the purse in the box. Set up the box in a cool, dry out place for the wintertime. And if the storage room has a concrete floor, place two 2x4s beneath the box to enhance it up and protect it from moisture.

Sentinel This:

DIY Editor Timothy is a lifelong DIY enthusiast who is fixated on smart dwelling house tech, beautiful tools, and wrenching on his FJ62 Land Cruiser.

Joe is a former carpenter and cabinetmaker who writes extensively almost remodeling, woodworking, and tool techniques.

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